In December, it is beautiful to see the Christian homes decorated with Christmas trees, stars, and most importantly, the Nativity Scenes (Jesus in the Manger). It looks so lovely to see the baby Jesus with an angel above Him, surrounded by shepherds and wise men. This display of Nativity might lead people to overlook what the real scene was?

My eyes were opened when I read a book where the author explores some of the great and thrilling realities of the birth of Jesus and God's mindset. I would share some extracts from it, which has influenced my thinking and colored my judgments regarding the birth of Jesus. Here it is for your reading; please go through it.
Another of the major lessons taught to us by the Birth of Jesus is how utterly Humble God is. The God who lives “in a high and holy place” (Isa. 57:15) made his first home on earth, the womb of a young woman. He made His second home a stable—not the nice, warm manger scenes you see at Christmastime, but a crude, first-century, Palestinian stable filled with steaming piles of manure. The Light of the World entered Bethlehem in the Dark of Night. The Word of God became a Speechless Infant. The One destined to clothe a Heavenly Army in clean, white linen was wrapped in Coarse Strips of Cloth. The Bread of Life was laid in the Feeding Trough of an animal. No one expected something like this of God, so that most people couldn’t accept it. No one could have imagined that the Creator of the Universe would stoop so low, could be so Humble.
No one would have thought the Son of God’s first visit to His temple would be in the form of a Helpless Infant. The relevance of how Jesus was born frequently escapes the church. The first two chapters of Matthew and Luke are not just nice stories given to make us feel warm and sentimental once a year at Christmas. The birth of Jesus shows us something of God's very character and how He relates to His fallen creation. His highest purpose for the earth was birthed in a stable—His highest purposes are still being birthed in stables.
Beautiful lines aren't they? So, what next? Decorating our houses with Nativity is wrong? Not at all. But, also decorate your heart with the real theme of Nativity - that is Humility. For the Bible says, 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.' James 4:6 (NIV)
The Humility of Jesus doesn't stop at His birth alone but also till His death: Philippians 2:8
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!
Deere, Jack. Surprised by the Voice of God. Eastbourne: Kingsway Publications, 1996.
Jack Deere always nails.