ὑπηρέτης | hupēretēs
So then, men ought to regard us as servants of Christ... (1 Corinthians 4:1)

The New Testament writers generally rendered Doulos | δοῦλος for the word SERVANT, which means a SLAVE. Nevertheless, in the chosen text, Paul uses the phrase hoop-ay-ret'-ace for a servant, which means Under Oarsman or Under-rower.
Under Oarsman usually takes the position (to swab the deck) in a big galley ship and row according to the instruction given, and the vessel moves because of them!
What then Paul trying to convey the Corinthian believers? It could be: we are like Under Oarsmen serving Christ-the-Master-Pilot by getting instructions from Him and helping the Church to move forward. So, trust us that we do good things to you.
Liddell, Henry., Scott, Robert., & Jones, Stuart: Liddell-Scott-Jones Lexicon of Classical Greek: Oxford Clarendon Press, 1940