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The Games in Corinth

Writer's picture: Charles AaronCharles Aaron

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way... strict training... do not run like someone running aimlessly... No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave... 1 Corinthians 9: 24-27 (NIV)

In these verses, Paul hints at the two great games which were familiar to the Corinthians. One was the Olympic games held in Olympia and the other Isthmian games held in Isthmia, where the citizens of Corinth entirely controlled the latter.

Paul was always fascinated by the picture of the athlete; hence he portraits two contestants to his readers – a Foot Racer and a Boxer. These contestants undergo strict training before they appear in the arena and have to swear an oath that they had abstained from wine, meat, and women during the workouts. And the victory trophy was a wreath made out of pine/wild olive, which will perish in a day or two.

Greek Foot Race

So Paul employs his doctrine of self-discipline by athletic analogies since Corinthians were aware of these games. In the Foot Race, in spite of numerous participants, only one was rewarded, and that was precisely Paul nailing. "Run in such a way (fully focused)" that your Christian walk is worthy of reward because He who began a good work in you is faithful in completing it.

Greek Boxing

Besides, in Boxing, the contest was between two, and the council rewarded the one who throws the opponent because that was a knock-out game. Perhaps the losing opponent will be relieved when he says, “I Surrender.” And Paul says, "I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body", knowing my opponent isn't somebody else but my own body. It continually tries to stop me from reaching what God has in store for me. Therefore, I beat my body and bring it to my subjection by not wanting after its desires.

Points for consideration:-

  1. Strict Training is inevitable for all Christians to survive in this present evil age.

  2. Being Focused on what God calls us for is essential.

  3. There is no prize on the planet earth is much appealing than "The Heavenly Prize."


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